
Submitted by Jenny on

許多人都會問我我的經驗。 在這裡,附上我的履歷自傳



English Consultant - 英文顧問

Submitted by Jenny on

現在,終於要向自己的目標往前跨一步。自己想接一些跟英文有關的事情來做。不是自己吹牛的,很多教過的學生都說我教得很好。也有多說我英文文筆筆很多美國人還要好。 現在想一想,身為一位英文顧問,應該要提供以下的英文服務:

      英文顧問: 提供各式英文服務,當英文司儀,撰寫英文契約,辦國際英文活動,準備英文簡報。
      英文翻譯: 中翻英,或英翻中,口譯與筆譯都可以。
      英文校稿: 很多人已經有英文稿,或是以前的稿,需要更新的,我都可以幫忙。
      英文教材: 身為英文教師的我,常常需要編輯英文教材,從小朋友ABC與自然發音,到英文文法書與成人英文教材,這些都是我的服務範圍裡。
      英文講師: 家教到公司行號,我都可以勝任。教過一人家教到百餘人的上課方式,擔任英文講師,這是我最喜歡的一份工作。
      英文家教: 為你量身打造的個人英文學習教材。一人至多人都可以。


如果您有這方面的需要,歡迎和我聯絡喔! jenny@albin.net

Care for or Care about: 照顧與關心

Submitted by Jenny on

Care for和care about是英文中的phrasal verb. 意思是說,是用曩個字組的的動詞。那這兩個phrasal verb是什麼意思呢?我們先解釋care是什麼。care是小心,謹慎的意思。 "Please be careful." 請小心。 "You need to carefully remove the hot teapot." 你要小心的搬離那熱茶壺。

那care for呢?是指照顧。care about是指關心。
I care for you. 我照顧你。
I care about you. 我關心你。


前一陣子在捷運上看到,"MRT cares for you." 捷運照顧你。在中文尚可能講的通,但是,英文上,是不行的。 這句話應該是,MRT cares about you.


Submitted by Jenny on

昨天, 四月十號, 菲林經紀公司舉辦了一場「愛心童樂會」。小菲和兔子阿姨邀請了許多小朋友從「台北兒童福利中心-育幼家庭」和所有旗下的小童星們一起聽故事和玩遊戲。


Owen, 吳文瑄,和大朋友們

Owen, 吳文瑄和大朋友們

楊丞琳 - 匿名的好友MV

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen did this video back in January. We got there around 11 am and finished around 6 pm. Most of the time, we were just waiting, not doing much since they have many other scenes that they have to film. There were three parts that Owen had to do, two of them involved him taking 楊丞琳 running up the stairs. One is running up the stairs and the other is actually running all the way to the roof of this building that we were filming at.

Fido Dido Spring Summer 2010 Catalog

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I finally got my hands on the Fido Dido Spring/Summer 2010 catalog!

歐文(Owen), 吳文瑄和Ella(吳若瑄)的Fido Dido 平面廣告When the Fido Dido photoshoot was taken place, I couldn't take off work to be there. John, my parents went with the kids. I heard that there were a lot of Ooohs and Ahs when people saw Owen and Ella. The photographer just really loved them. They were very photogenic and were very cooperative.

Pilochi Moyoko(莫優子) Clothing Catalog

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Ella(吳若瑄)的Pilochi Moyoko 平面廣告Pilochi Moyoko's(莫優子) clothing catalog is out! The day that Ella did this photoshoot, it was 10 degree Celsius outdoors. And, you guessed it, this is was an outdoor photoshoot. Ella was a good sport and finished the photoshoot with her freezing to death. Her lips were almost purple even though we were trying to give her hot drinks, warmers in the shirts, and a thick jacket to wear during takes.