
Submitted by Jenny on


英文的自然發音是叫做Phonics. 它是一種字母拼讀法。英文本身是一種拼音的字母,所以只要看著字母就可以發音了,不像中文,需要另一套符號才能夠來發音。因此,我們可以直接用字母當音標,又方便又簡單。英文自然發音的聲音和字母之間存在一定的對應關係。雖然,有的時候,一個字母有兩種發音,可是一般來說,是有規則性的。



Good use of a comma

Submitted by Jenny on

It's hunting season in some parts of the world. Recently, there is a poster that says "It's that time again - go out and shoot people! :)" - this got me to think. This sentence is to tell you to go out and shoot people. So, people, watch out, there will be people just go out and start shooting on the street!

How would this be fixed? A comma would have fixed the problem. It would be "It's that time again - go out and shoot, people! :)". This would make so much more sense.

Ella is 小周慧敏??? - 鑽石夜總會

Submitted by Jenny on

Ella taped 台視《鑽石夜總會》 yesterday. There is an article on the TVBS news channel comparing her to 周慧敏. What do

阿寶, 黃國倫, Ella(吳若瑄)東森娛樂-影劇中心/綜合報導

DruaplCamp Taipei 2010 Early Bird Registration has begun! DrupalCamp Taipei 2010 早鳥報名開始!

Submitted by Jenny on

DruaplCamp Taipei 2010 Early Bird Registration has begun!  DrupalCamp Taipei 201對於任何新科技嘹若指掌的你,相信對於網路發展的新趨勢也非常關注.
從Linux,Apache,Php,Mysql到 Wordpress,Xoops,Joomla....

現在,你有了Drupal.一個後起之秀的Social Publishing System,
Drupal是你邁向網路發展新趨勢的 GateWay,

Lay, lie.. Aren't they the same?

Submitted by Jenny on

So when do you use lay and when do you use lie? The difference is the following:
The verb "lay": lay-present, laid-past, laid-past participle
It must come before an object since it is a transitive verb.
For example:
Future: I will lay the book on the table.
Past: I laid the book on the table.
Present Perfect: I have laid the book on the table.

The verb "lie": lie-present, lay-past, lain- past participle
Since it is an intransitive verb, it does not need to come before an object.
Future: I will lie on the grass.
Present: I lay on the grass to rest a little bit.