American Brand - Cherokee

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen and Ella modeling for American clothing brand - CherokeeThis time, Owen and Ella got to model for a little piece of America! The household known clothing brand Cherokee that you see in Target all the time, is in Taiwan. Here is the website:

Owen -
Ella -

語言家 Language Plus Living Space

Submitted by Jenny on

語言家 - Language Plus Living SpaceLanguage Plus Living Space is finally officially opened for business and students! Even though it is never easy to start a business, I get reassured everyday when I see the smiles and the satisfaction on our students' faces when they come here. I am so grateful and happy that I have so many people helping me...

免費4~6歲寶貝英文故事時間 Free English Story Time for 4 to 6 years old

Submitted by Jenny on

日期:8月13日 (六) 上午10:00點 (雙語故事時間)
8月14日 (日) 上午10:00點 (全英語故事時間)
☆ 當天並會準備新鮮現打果汁和現烤小西點與您一同分享喔!
電話:(02) 2794-5848 Email:

Dear parents,


Submitted by Jenny on

DrupalCamp, DrupalCamp Taipei, DrupalCamp Taipei 2011立刻報名:

每年一次的DrupalCamp Taipei,今年議程包羅萬象,諸如:
1. 結合趨勢的網際網路主題演講(Keynote為旅居台灣Drupal重要開發者John所主持)
2. 直上雲端的Mobile應用
3. 中大型企業內部整合平台應用案例
4. 社群網站Facebook整合
5. 還有BOF、現場教學、神祕抽獎、夜晚Party、社群討論.... 數不盡的好料!


Dries Buytaert is set to show in DrupalCamp Taipei 2011! Dries Buytaert 將以視訊的方式在DrupalCamp Taipei 2011與大家見面!

Submitted by Jenny on

Dries Buytaert (the founder of Drupal) will appear in a video talking to all of the Drupallers in Taiwan this year at the DrupalCamp Taipei! This is just an exciting news for all of us who use Drupal! To see more information on the DrupalCamp Taipei, visit DrupalCamp Taiwan. To register for the camp, visit Registrano DrupalCamp Taiwan page.


Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen在美樂。加油/愛上查美樂裡飾演小以列美樂。加油, 愛上查美樂 aired its first episode last Sunday! We saw 若儀 who played the role of 小美樂. She was awesome! She definitely knows how to act and clearly she enjoys acting. She is a great little girl. As for Owen, he will show up in the second episode. That means he will be on the show this Sunday (June 12th) at 10:00 pm. I am so excited to watch. It was such an honor for Owen to act with 王月. She is an excellent actress and I think many people have a lot to learn from her.

So, Sunday at 10:00pm, on CTV. See you there! :-)


DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 - Regular RegistrationBeings! DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 正式報名開始

Submitted by Jenny on

DrupalCamp, DrupalCamp Taipei, DrupalCamp Taipei 2011For DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 information in English, please go to and switch the language selection to English!

DrupalCamp台北將在 7/9, 7/10於台北的中國科技大學舉辦(近捷運萬芳醫院站),將會有300人一起參與這場盛會!

Keynote speaker: