
Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen在美樂。加油/愛上查美樂裡飾演小以列美樂。加油, 愛上查美樂 aired its first episode last Sunday! We saw 若儀 who played the role of 小美樂. She was awesome! She definitely knows how to act and clearly she enjoys acting. She is a great little girl. As for Owen, he will show up in the second episode. That means he will be on the show this Sunday (June 12th) at 10:00 pm. I am so excited to watch. It was such an honor for Owen to act with 王月. She is an excellent actress and I think many people have a lot to learn from her.

So, Sunday at 10:00pm, on CTV. See you there! :-)


DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 - Regular RegistrationBeings! DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 正式報名開始

Submitted by Jenny on

DrupalCamp, DrupalCamp Taipei, DrupalCamp Taipei 2011For DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 information in English, please go to http://camp.drupaltaiwa.org and switch the language selection to English!

DrupalCamp台北將在 7/9, 7/10於台北的中國科技大學舉辦(近捷運萬芳醫院站),將會有300人一起參與這場盛會!

Keynote speaker:

DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 - Early Bird Registration Ends Soon! DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 早鳥報名倒數計時當中!

Submitted by Jenny on

DrupalCamp, DrupalCamp Taipei, DrupalCamp Taipei 2011For DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 information in English, please go to http://camp.drupaltaiwa.org and switch the language selection to English!

DrupalCamp台北將在 7/9, 7/10於台北的中國科技大學舉辦(近捷運萬芳醫院站),將會有300人一起參與這場盛會!


Explosion Pork!

Submitted by Jenny on

The other day, we went out to dinner. The waitress handed us a copy of the menu and we couldn't help to frown. I think people would have a lot issues with eating "explosion pork" and "spray of green onions."

What they really meant was stir fry pork with green onion. I guess someone didn't check the translation before it was printed!