American Idioims - 美國片語 - Fair and Square

Submitted by Jenny on

Fair and Square: without cheating. 很公正,公平的

He won the tournament fair and square. 他比賽贏的很公平的(沒有投機取巧或作弊)。
I beat you fair and square. 我很公正的贏了你。

American Idioims - 美國片語 - Hit the road

Submitted by Jenny on

Hit the road - to get going or to leave 準備要離開了的意思

We should hit the road since it is getting late. 我們應該要準備離開了,因為以經晚了.
You better hit the road, otherwise you will be late. 你最好要準備離開了,要不然你會遲到了.

American Idioims - 美國片語 - Do Wonders

Submitted by Jenny on

Do wonders: to be of great help - 這是很大的幫助的意思。

  • A good massage will do wonders for my sore back. 好的按摩對我的疼痛的背有很大的幫助。
  • This medicine did wonders for my cold. 這個藥對我的感冒有很大的幫助。

American Idioims - 美國片語

Submitted by Jenny on


  • Do Wonders
  • Hit the road
  • Fair and square
  • Start from scratch
  • None of your business
  • Ants in your pants
  • Learn the ropes
  • In the nick of time
  • At the crack of dawn
  • Out of the blue

Owen, Ella 在麻辣天后宮節目裡彈吉他唱 - 你是我的陽光 20100727

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen, Ella 在麻辣天后宮潔目裡彈吉他唱你是我的陽光

我家有個多多星! 統一多多星活動花絮及訪問

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen和Ella都有進入百人海選,Ella更被選上了Top 10!!
統一多多星 Top 10 - Ella

取於民視新聞 - 2010 July 18th:

歡樂童星選秀 小朋友架勢足


Submitted by Jenny on

表哥經營的全國房地產常春店今天開幕了。我們一家人去祝賀!Owen和Ella變成今天的焦點。他們擺了好多資事給大家照相。 A real estate company that is operated by my cousin and invested by my dad opened today. We went to the opening ceremony and Owen and Ella became the center of the attention. They posed for a while for people to take photos. :-)

Ella(吳若瑄) Ella posing in front of the bouquet at the real estate office

DrupalCamp Taiwan 圓滿落幕

Submitted by Jenny on

Ella, JohnDrupalCamp Taiwan 圓滿落幕了! 那一天真的忙翻了. 三個月的籌劃,許多人用心的成果,讓DrupalCamp Taipei成功了。 我真的好感謝所有的工作人員以及志工們。我對台灣不熟,很多事都要依靠大家的幫忙。真的好貼心也好感激。想要看照片的朋友,請到 Drupal Camp Taiwan 20100710 Photos