It's been 3.5 months

Submitted by Jenny on

It's been 3.5 months and I don't miss it! I don't miss the constant yelling at all. I am so glad that I am not there anymore. I don't understand why parents would send kids to a place where the teachers yell at kids all day long and make condescending comments and sarcastic remarks to the kids. I can't believe there are teachers who do that... I am glad I am not there, even though sometimes I miss the kids...

Happy Punctuation Day!

Submitted by Jenny on

Reposted from NPR (The original document is at

Its National Punctuation Day! If that sentence made you cringe, then welcome to the fold. Its, it's. Your, you're. Why can't people get it right?

On Friday, Sept. 24, punctuation aficionados across the country celebrated the seventh annual National Punctuation Day. Last year's celebration featured a baking contest (here's the recipe for "Punctuation Meatloaf"), and this year, organizers kicked off a punctuation-inspired haiku challenge:

Em dash or en dash.

American Idioms - 美國片語-Learn the ropes

Submitted by Jenny on

Learn the ropes - to learn the basics of something 從基礎學起

You have to learn the ropes when you start a new job. 當你開始一個新工作時,你要從基礎學起。
You have to learn the ropes first before you can start working on more difficult tasks. 你要先把基礎學好,然後可以做比較困難的工作。