20160712 Lego Mindstorms EV3 Coding Class
Kids' Code Club - 兒童程式設計社團
For this week's morning and afternoon closing class. We created animations for a space ship and floating monkeys. The kids learned to use loops and how to change the Sprite over time.
Code Club/程式設計社團第一堂課成功!
Lego Mindstorms EV3 - Multi-Thread Programming
In this week's coding class we discussed program threads and how Lego Mindstorms software allows kids to create multi-threaded programming. The kids finished building the Znap robot from instructions and then started programming it with only the rough outline that was written on the board as a guide. They need to use multiple loops, variables, and a new loop interrupt instruction.
這星期我們探討了電腦程式裡的multi-threading功能,利用Lego Mindstorms的程式設計軟體,孩子們練習了multiple loops, variables, 還有 loop interrupt。
Lego Mindstorms EV3 Programming - Znap Robot
In today's coding class, the kids started to build a new Znap robot from instructions. We also went over the pseudo-code for the program they will code.
Lego Mindstorms EV3
20160119 Coding Class - EV3 Mindstorm Rube Goldberg Machine Part 2
At Language Plus Living Spalce's coding class on January 19th, we finished our Rube Goldberg machine. Each kid's module had to run a metal ball through it. After they had finished building it, they then had to work together to figure out the order in which each module should go and how to get the ball from one module to the next. Our class didn't have much programming, but it had a lot of integration challenges and a lot of required cooperation.
20160112 Coding Class - EV3 Mindstorm Rube Goldberg Machine Part 1
At Language Plus Living Space, for our Tuesday coding class, we decided to build a modular, repeating Rube Goldberg machine this time. Metal balls would travel between the 3 Lego modules, each built and programmed by one kid. We did the majority of the building today and will do integration and programming next class. Here's their progress so far!
Coding Class - Mindstorm EV3 Programming (Trash collector part 2)
Continuing last week's programming class, we worked on perfecting our trash collect. Despite numourous failures and fastering frustration, we finally got the trash collector to work (somewhat). Here is a post on 12/22/2015's programming class.