
徵網路程式設計共學學生 Web Programming Code Club

Submitted by Jenny on

時間:每星期二早上9:30 - 11:30
對網路程式設計有興趣嗎?針對國高中生所開的網路程式設計課,專門研究JavaScript, CSS, HTML等用語及程式設計,須具備一些基礎英文能力,現在剛好有少數名額釋出,有興趣者,請直接私訊
PS,由老公@johnalbin (資深前端開發工程師,目前任職於瑞典一家公司)擔任講師,自己兩個自學孩子也在班上

20160712 Lego Mindstorms EV3 Coding Class

Submitted by Jenny on

 Lego Mindstorms EV3 Coding - Kanban boardIn coding class today, the kids continued to build the massive Spinner Factory robot. But today I introduced them to a simple Kanban board to keep track of what was built. The instructions include 465 steps.

20160524 Coding Class - Lego Mindstorms EV3

Submitted by Jenny on

In coding class we finished the code for the ellaphants we built. The kids made a program that would use the robot keypad buttons to control what it did. Up button to make the elephant walk forward. Down button for backward. Left button for head tilt and trunk trumpeting. And right button for picking up an object.

Lego Mindstorms EV3 - Motorcycle

Submitted by Jenny on

Lego Mindstorms EV3 Design diagramIn today's coding class we started on a motorcycle robot. It will use the gyroscopic sensor to keep itself balanced on 2 wheels.  All they had for instructions was a video showing a working Lego motorcycle. No build instructions and no programming instructions.



Code Club/程式設計社團第一堂課成功!

Submitted by Jenny on

Code Club - Scratch Programming今天的兩堂Code Club在孩子們的不捨回家當中結束,雖然今天最重要的事就是把帳號建立好,所有學員互相追蹤,加上開始讓一隻貓滾來滾去,又忙碌,又混亂,又好玩的一堂課!雖然孩子們之間的英文程度有些較好,有些還在起步,可是大家都很勇於發問,沒有因為要跟Mr. John溝通而不敢問問題或是不願意學習。搭家的學西精神都好好喔!