20150727 - 20150731 語言家暑期活動
這星期,跑去宜蘭玩,用英文作了遊記,Ms. Kat又帶著我們每天做好吃的午餐,加上下午的英文活動課,又是一個滿滿的星期!
這星期,跑去宜蘭玩,用英文作了遊記,Ms. Kat又帶著我們每天做好吃的午餐,加上下午的英文活動課,又是一個滿滿的星期!
孩子們的自編自導影片,挺有趣的! Owen還有叫爸爸來客串呢!^^ Kids created a short clip of something they came up with the idea, filmed it, and did the post production. It's only 30 seconds. Check it out, it's quite fun and interesting! Owen even got John to play a small part! Haha!
導演/Director: 吳文瑄Owen
演員/Actors: 吳若瑄Ella,吳文瑄Owen、吳子安、Allen、John
攝影/Filming: Cindy
文瑄工作室/語言家 20150720-20150724 活動照片出爐囉!我們去了美麗華組鋼彈、玩闖關遊戲、自己煮飯,加上全英文環境,我們玩得太開心啦!!!
Ella's TutorABC advertising 平面出來囉!在台北的朋友,有沒有在市政府捷運站及捷運車廂裡看到Ella呀?!
Have you jumped the gun before? Has anyone said that to you before? When you have jumped the gun, it means that you have done something early and prematurely.
A: Cindy looks unhappy this morning.
B: She must not finished her assignments last night.
A; Don't jump the gun to make that conclusion. She might just be tired.
In this example, A is tell B not to make the conclusion too early without understanding entire situation.
文瑄工作室 20150713-20150717 活動照片出爐囉!我們去了科教館,玩好多美術東西,加上全英文環境,我們玩得太開心啦!!!
Sample sentence: I recommend relaxing activities such as reading, watching TV, seeing a movie.
swimming and running.
Relaxing activities can help people to forget their worries, handle mental pressure, and lower their stress levels.
Many people like relaxing activities because they want to forget their stressful day and because they want to feel relaxed.
Why do we write using this technique?
Using parallelism improves writing style and readability, and makes sentences easier to process.
Ella's birthday is coming, Ella 的生日快到了! 在臉書上的Owen and Ella 粉絲團有活動喔!快來參加!