
吳若瑄Ella-大魯閣186滑輪溜冰場 廣告-Taroko 186 Roller Rink commercial

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Video file

大滑輪溜冰場的廣告出來囉!還不快點帶著你的溜冰鞋,(沒有鞋也可以現場租哦)一起跟我去溜冰!😁 The commercial for the roller rink is out! Bring your skates,(If you don’t

Ella 搜狐網 網路劇 親愛的公主病

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Creative filming/孩子們的自編自導影片

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孩子們的自編自導影片,挺有趣的! Owen還有叫爸爸來客串呢!^^ Kids created a short clip of something they came up with the idea, filmed it, and did the post production. It's only 30 seconds. Check it out, it's quite fun and interesting! Owen even got John to play a small part! Haha!
導演/Director: 吳文瑄Owen

演員/Actors: 吳若瑄Ella,吳文瑄Owen、吳子安、Allen、John

攝影/Filming: Cindy

Ella's new commercial - Android phone game 吳若瑄最新廣告-安卓遊戲,小小大英雄

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Ella's new commercial - Android phone game 吳若瑄最新廣告-安卓遊戲,小小大英雄
Ella's latest commercial is out!最新廣告出爐!是安卓遊戲的廣告喔,叫作小小大英雄!

FB上的照片在這裡Some behind the scene photos are posted on FB: