
Welcome to Owen's blog! Mommy has recorded things related to Owen including his work in TV drama, commercials, singing, modeling, and shows. If you would like to invite Owen for a gig, please contact his mom, Jenny directly. Thank you.


Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen, Ella, Joshua, and AlyssaOwen和Ella有兩個長住在紐西蘭的小表弟妹 (Joshua and Alyssa),他們來找Owen和Ella玩。四個混血兒玩在一起可真熱鬧! 聽他們四個人中英文混著講,跑來跑去跳來跳去的,真的好可愛,好有趣。

各位經紀人,對這兩位小小混血而有沒有興趣啊! 他們會待在台灣到二月底喔(偷笑)

Owen, Ella, Joshua and Alyssa的照片

Owen參予大陸安徽合肥"安徽衛視" #势不可挡#節目錄影

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen在上個月的時候參加了大陸安徽合肥#势不可挡#節目錄影(照片在這裡喔!)。他學到了好多,也見識到山外有山,人外有人。他本來是要自彈吉他自唱的,可是,他選的曲子在大陸有點不夠出名,在錄影前一星期,被改成唱Justin Bieber的"Baby." Owen沒怎麼聽過這首歌,所以就在一星期內展開了魔鬼般的練習。在現場時,效果還可以,也順利了過大眾評審的關,可是,因為這首歌太多人唱了,評審沒讓Owen晉級。大家來看看吧。


時尚餅乾 2012 夏裝 Fashion Cookie Cherokee 2012 Summer Fashion

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen和Ella拍的網拍時尚餅乾 2012 夏裝出爐囉! 喜歡的朋友趕快去訂購!他們家的衣服真的很好穿,質料也很好,每次拍完自己都會忍不住下訂單喔!

吳文瑄Owen - 小麻豆,小童星

Submitted by Jenny on

身高: 154 cm
體重: 41 kg

浙江衛視 你猜誰會贏
超視 小宇宙33號 固定班底
東南衛視 老爸向前衝
安徽衛視 勢不可擋
綜藝大國民 (20101002, 20101030, 20101218)
小孩很忙 (20100523, 20101206, 20101228, 20110204)
YoYo TV 超級總動員
YoYo TV 歡樂大合戰(聽美人魚唱歌)

台視-前男友 (飾演戴亦翔小時候)
台視-我的完美男人 (飾演大星)
中視-美樂。加油/愛上查美樂 (飾演韓以列小時候)


Sony NEX C3 Camera 照相機平面及電視廣告
麥當勞玩具篇 (20110302)
Acer Aspire Laptop 平面及電視廣告


Owen - 台視偶像劇前男友

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen showed up in episode 5! This time, his role is as the younger self of Da Yi Xiang 戴亦翔 (played by 黃志偉Jerry). You can see Owen's screen time on Youtube and the photos are up on Picasa!

Owen在第五集出現囉,他飾演戴亦翔的小時候。你可以在這裡看 視頻喔!

Read more with your children

Submitted by Jenny on

Ella picking out a book at 語言家 Language Plus Living SpaceLately, I heard the news on TV/radio regarding how SpongeBob show has ruined children's brains. I for one think that it is not SpongeBob's fault. I have seen the cartoon (though I am not a die-heart fan) a few times and I actually enjoyed it! I find him to be a loyal person. He tries his best to protect his boss's restaurant and the secret recipe. I also think he is very caring. He constantly looks after his friend, Patrick, and his little pet. He has demonstrated great friendship towards to Sandy. I think there is a lot to be learned from SpongeBob.

So, why is SpongeBob bad for your children? Maybe we should look at it another way, it's not SpongeBob is bad, it's more related to TV watching. Watching too much TV is bad. The rapid frame display on TV does slow down your brain. That's the problem. It's not SpongeBob is the problem.


Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen在美樂。加油/愛上查美樂裡飾演小以列美樂。加油, 愛上查美樂 aired its first episode last Sunday! We saw 若儀 who played the role of 小美樂. She was awesome! She definitely knows how to act and clearly she enjoys acting. She is a great little girl. As for Owen, he will show up in the second episode. That means he will be on the show this Sunday (June 12th) at 10:00 pm. I am so excited to watch. It was such an honor for Owen to act with 王月. She is an excellent actress and I think many people have a lot to learn from her.

So, Sunday at 10:00pm, on CTV. See you there! :-)
