Owen在上個月的時候參加了大陸安徽合肥#势不可挡#節目錄影(照片在這裡喔!)。他學到了好多,也見識到山外有山,人外有人。他本來是要自彈吉他自唱的,可是,他選的曲子在大陸有點不夠出名,在錄影前一星期,被改成唱Justin Bieber的"Baby." Owen沒怎麼聽過這首歌,所以就在一星期內展開了魔鬼般的練習。在現場時,效果還可以,也順利了過大眾評審的關,可是,因為這首歌太多人唱了,評審沒讓Owen晉級。大家來看看吧。
Owen had the opportunity to perform on a large scale talent show in Anhui, Hefei, China. He was originally going to play his electric guitar and sing "Whistle," however, the show production staff thinks that the song is not popular enough in China. Therefore, they have asked Owen to sing "Baby" by Justin Bieber. Well, Owen heard of this song before but never really sang it or practiced it. So, within 5 days, he learned the song and performed on a large stage. Good thing, he did OK. He didn't need to be "punished (if you don't pass the audience votes, you get punished by being thrown down in a 'trap,' or thrown into a 'Styrofoam wall,' or set off 'fireworks' in front of you." The celebrity judges didn't let him advance to the next level of competition, but it was a great experience for him.
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