
Read more with your children

Submitted by Jenny on

Ella picking out a book at 語言家 Language Plus Living SpaceLately, I heard the news on TV/radio regarding how SpongeBob show has ruined children's brains. I for one think that it is not SpongeBob's fault. I have seen the cartoon (though I am not a die-heart fan) a few times and I actually enjoyed it! I find him to be a loyal person. He tries his best to protect his boss's restaurant and the secret recipe. I also think he is very caring. He constantly looks after his friend, Patrick, and his little pet. He has demonstrated great friendship towards to Sandy. I think there is a lot to be learned from SpongeBob.

So, why is SpongeBob bad for your children? Maybe we should look at it another way, it's not SpongeBob is bad, it's more related to TV watching. Watching too much TV is bad. The rapid frame display on TV does slow down your brain. That's the problem. It's not SpongeBob is the problem.

American Brand - Cherokee

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen and Ella modeling for American clothing brand - CherokeeThis time, Owen and Ella got to model for a little piece of America! The household known clothing brand Cherokee that you see in Target all the time, is in Taiwan. Here is the website:

Owen - http://www.fashioncookie.com.tw/products/cherokee/boys/tops
Ella - http://www.fashioncookie.com.tw/products/cherokee/girls/tops


Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen在美樂。加油/愛上查美樂裡飾演小以列美樂。加油, 愛上查美樂 aired its first episode last Sunday! We saw 若儀 who played the role of 小美樂. She was awesome! She definitely knows how to act and clearly she enjoys acting. She is a great little girl. As for Owen, he will show up in the second episode. That means he will be on the show this Sunday (June 12th) at 10:00 pm. I am so excited to watch. It was such an honor for Owen to act with 王月. She is an excellent actress and I think many people have a lot to learn from her.

So, Sunday at 10:00pm, on CTV. See you there! :-)


Owen in Jay Chou's Mv - Owen在周杰倫的"天地一鬥"裡飾演打籃球的小男生

Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen與周杰倫(Jay Chou)拍攝的天地一鬥MV(music video)Wow - the 天地一鬥 music video is out! Owen had the opportunity to work with Jay Chou! Even though this is a music video and Owen didn't need to say a word but he had to act. I think he did fantastic! Well, that could just be the "mom" in me talking. :-)

If you want to see the photos, here they are.

Hawaii, watch out! Ella and I are coming!

Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Ella這次去Hawaii的行程很特別,我們不是去玩的,而是去工作的。 Ella很榮幸的可以參加這一支廣告的拍攝,而且,我們會在Hawaii停留5天。因為去的地方很遠,製作單位有擔心小孩子不適應而無法拍攝的狀況下,被選上的小女生有兩位,廠商就有機會選其中一個版本來上映。昨天,小女生定裝的時候,就玩開了。另一小女生是台灣巴西混血,我還跟他說了幾句葡文,她說我怎麼會講她媽媽說的話,好可愛! :)

Hawaii, here we come! This trip is so special, I have been to Hawaii so many times now and this is the first time that we are going there for business... Well, if you can call it business... :-) Ella was picked for a commercial which takes place in Hawaii. We don't know which island we will end up yet but the sound of going to Hawaii is already very exciting!

The project is very special from the beginning. The client is from China, they decided to choose the actors and actresses in Taiwan and the director is from Hong Kong with a Taiwanese production house. Quite complicated, right? From what I hear, this is not the first time that a cross-straits collaboration has happened and it is quite common actually. I am sure it takes a lot of preparation work and many logistics to sort through. It is amazing how a short commercial can be so elaborate and so carefully crafted. No wonder the budget is always so large.

Going to Hawaii is not a small deal. The production house and the client have many considerations when it comes to actors. For example, usually, they pick one actor per acting role, this time. They picked two little girls instead of just one. They are worried that because of the long trip, a 5-year old might have jet leg or other issues that might delay filming. So, they picked two little girls. Whoever feels up to it at the time, they will film the one first. :-) What does this benefit? This will ensure that the filming schedule is not delayed and the client has two versions of the commercial film to pick from. The client gets to decide which version gets aired.

The other little girl is Taiwan-Brazilian mix. When I found that out, I spoke Portuguese with her and she was so surprised! She asked me why I know how to speak her mommy's language. So cute! Ella and her both were playing with each other. They seem to have a good time. I have a feeling that Ella will have a great trip! She has another same age girl to play with the whole trip. ;-)


Submitted by Jenny on

女人的旅程也是萊卡兒的旅程 女人在不同的時期尋找真愛
年輕時 愛情是真愛的代名詞
成熟時 小孩是真愛的同義詞
覺悟時 才發現自己是這一生最需關心的人
讓女人找到自己 找到幸福 找到愛

品牌電影Episodes 1~3
將感動 化為實際行動
誠摯邀請您預約幸福 共同響應公益