20160216 Science class科學課: 探索土壤液化的科學與建築物的地基 & 動手做土壤液化科學實驗 (Introduction to Soil Liquefaction & DIY Soil Liquefaction Experiments)
In this class, we learned about soil liquefaction. We did our own experiments and simulated the p-wave and s-wave recording.
20160119 Coding Class - EV3 Mindstorm Rube Goldberg Machine Part 2
At Language Plus Living Spalce's coding class on January 19th, we finished our Rube Goldberg machine. Each kid's module had to run a metal ball through it. After they had finished building it, they then had to work together to figure out the order in which each module should go and how to get the ball from one module to the next. Our class didn't have much programming, but it had a lot of integration challenges and a lot of required cooperation.
20160112 Coding Class - EV3 Mindstorm Rube Goldberg Machine Part 1
At Language Plus Living Space, for our Tuesday coding class, we decided to build a modular, repeating Rube Goldberg machine this time. Metal balls would travel between the 3 Lego modules, each built and programmed by one kid. We did the majority of the building today and will do integration and programming next class. Here's their progress so far!
Coding Class - Mindstorm EV3 Programming (Trash collector part 2)
Continuing last week's programming class, we worked on perfecting our trash collect. Despite numourous failures and fastering frustration, we finally got the trash collector to work (somewhat). Here is a post on 12/22/2015's programming class.
Coding Class - Mindstorm EV3 Programming Trash Collector Part 1
Every week, kids always look forward to Tuesday. This is a day that we have friends coming over and study with us. We work on programming skills and learn about science from a day-to-day perspective. Here is a post on 12/05/2015's programming class.
我這年代長大的,在台灣上學的,一定都經歷過因為沒有考到老師訂的標準,被老師打的教訓,當時可是有各種萬靈藥膏,讓老師打了比較不會痛。這年代的,為了考試成績,孩子們是各種的補習,評量是堆積如山,老師會用班費多買幾本,安親班更是多,國中生一天有七節課,可以考到九次試,這讓我覺得,這三十年來,好像教育沒什麼變,沒有跟著社會進步,沒有隨著變新而改變。這會造成什麼現象? 沒有考的,老師就不教、不聞不問,孩子們整天會為了複習,而死記知識,除了老師有教的,有考過的,其他就會認為不是該吸收的知識範圍了,其實,也沒時間去學別的東西了。
20150714 science class - 探索溫度與熱的科學&動手設計製作「保溫瓶」與「環保隔熱房屋」創意科學實驗作品
這星期我們做了自己的保溫瓶! 用各種不同的材料來將瓶子包裝起來,然後,在大太陽下測試,很多孩子的冰塊在五分鐘後,都還沒溶掉,作的很成功!
In science class today, we made our own thermal bottle. By using light reflective material, kids layered their plastic bottle. They also created their own design. Then, we tested the bottles under hot sun by putting ice inside and see if the ice would melt after 5 minutes. Most of the kids had great results!
Come and check out the photos on Facebook!