Language Plus Living Space

Lego Mindstorms EV3 - Multi-Thread Programming

Submitted by Jenny on

In this week's coding class we discussed program threads and how Lego Mindstorms software allows kids to create multi-threaded programming.  The kids finished building the Znap robot from instructions and then started programming it with only the rough outline that was written on the board as a guide. They need to use multiple loops, variables, and a new loop interrupt instruction.

這星期我們探討了電腦程式裡的multi-threading功能,利用Lego Mindstorms的程式設計軟體,孩子們練習了multiple loops, variables, 還有 loop interrupt。


Code Club/程式設計社團

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語言家特別在春季推出Hour of Code:  學習電腦設計及英文的社團,在設計中學習,不斷的啟發思考能力

由世界級資深前端工程師,John Wilkins,擔任主要講師/Club Master

從Scracth 開始,到Khan Academy的Javascript,進階到Lego Mindstorms EV3的程式設計,都是我們會安排的課程




2016 Winter Break Activity/2016 寒假活動

Submitted by Jenny on

今年的寒假活動非常的歡樂和有趣,每天都有滿滿的行程,充實、好玩、又有學習,所有的孩子玩得相當盡興,無形中,英文也都進不了不少呢。This year, Language Plus Living Space's winter camp was quite a success!