20160920 國高中科學課: Introduction to Statics & Physics
This week, in middle school and high school kids science class, we talked about statics and physics. We worked on experiements which showed kids the how to balance force.
20160920 國小FUN科學:探索颱風/龍捲風與天氣學 & 動手做龍捲風實驗 (Introductio to Tornado & Typhoon with Experiments)
Our science class this week is about 探索颱風/龍捲風與天氣學 & 動手做龍捲風實驗 (Introductio to Tornado & Typhoon with Experiments). Kids had a great time working on the experiements and understanding how the typhoons form!
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20160719 Grade 6-12國高中科學課程:探索物理學的滑輪、施力、省力實驗 (Introduction to Physics Force & Pulley with Experiments)
在這星期的科學課,大孩子們探索了物理學的滑輪、施力、省力實驗 (Introduction to Physics Force & Pulley with Experiments)。大家嘗試著做出最升力的方法來拉重力,好玩又有趣!
Higher grade kids have studied Physics Proce and Pulley system this week. They experiemented with coming up with a pulling system that uses least amount of force but can pull the maximum weight.