Owen參加北京衛視春晚表演Life is beautiful美麗人生 花絮

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen這次受北京衛視的邀請到春晚節目與曹格老師和兩位音樂大師課的朋友一起演唱Life is beautiful美麗人生,這是Owen既變聲後第一次表演,大家覺得如何呢?




2016 Winter Break Activity/2016 寒假活動

Submitted by Jenny on

今年的寒假活動非常的歡樂和有趣,每天都有滿滿的行程,充實、好玩、又有學習,所有的孩子玩得相當盡興,無形中,英文也都進不了不少呢。This year, Language Plus Living Space's winter camp was quite a success!

20160119 Coding Class - EV3 Mindstorm Rube Goldberg Machine Part 2

Submitted by Jenny on

At Language Plus Living Spalce's coding class on January 19th, we finished our Rube Goldberg machine. Each kid's module had to run a metal ball through it. After they had finished building it, they then had to work together to figure out the order in which each module should go and how to get the ball from one module to the next. Our class didn't have much programming, but it had a lot of integration challenges and a lot of required cooperation.