這裡記載了吳若瑄Ella的點點滴滴,歡迎大家來逛逛。如果有演藝工作需求,請直接與經紀人聯絡喔! 電話是0987447260
Welcome to Ella's blog! Mommy has recorded things related to Ella including her work in commercials, modeling, and shows. If you would like to invite Ella for a gig, please contact her agent directly. Her phone number is +886-987447260 Thank you.
Creative filming/孩子們的自編自導影片
孩子們的自編自導影片,挺有趣的! Owen還有叫爸爸來客串呢!^^ Kids created a short clip of something they came up with the idea, filmed it, and did the post production. It's only 30 seconds. Check it out, it's quite fun and interesting! Owen even got John to play a small part! Haha!
導演/Director: 吳文瑄Owen
演員/Actors: 吳若瑄Ella,吳文瑄Owen、吳子安、Allen、John
攝影/Filming: Cindy
吳若瑄TutorABC 形象廣告 TutorABC advertising
Ella's TutorABC advertising 平面出來囉!在台北的朋友,有沒有在市政府捷運站及捷運車廂裡看到Ella呀?!
Ella 東森購物 2015 七月刊
20150714 science class - 探索溫度與熱的科學&動手設計製作「保溫瓶」與「環保隔熱房屋」創意科學實驗作品
這星期我們做了自己的保溫瓶! 用各種不同的材料來將瓶子包裝起來,然後,在大太陽下測試,很多孩子的冰塊在五分鐘後,都還沒溶掉,作的很成功!
In science class today, we made our own thermal bottle. By using light reflective material, kids layered their plastic bottle. They also created their own design. Then, we tested the bottles under hot sun by putting ice inside and see if the ice would melt after 5 minutes. Most of the kids had great results!
Come and check out the photos on Facebook!