20160323 Science Class - 探索固體/液體分離和油水分離的科學 & 動手做離心機實驗科學 (Introduction to Science of Separating Solids from Liquids with DIY Centrifuge Experiments)
Kids learned about oil and water separation. They also experiemented centrifuge force!
Kids learned about oil and water separation. They also experiemented centrifuge force!
We talked about recycling and how to clean up the Earth. Kids made their own ocean cleanup device! 探討了如何保持地球的乾淨,和人類要如何多做回收再利用的一堂課,孩子還自己做了海洋垃圾回收器具!
In this class, we learned about soil liquefaction. We did our own experiments and simulated the p-wave and s-wave recording.
This week's science class, we explored the mechanism of a blender. Kids had a lot of fun making their own blender!
This week's science class, kids looked at how earthquake detection is done and made an earthquake detector themselves. Here is a video of Owen's earthquake detector. 這周科學課,孩子們探討了感測器與地震偵測器的科學 & 動手做地震偵測器科學實驗 ,每個孩子都自己動手做了一個地震偵測器喔!
這星期我們做了自己的保溫瓶! 用各種不同的材料來將瓶子包裝起來,然後,在大太陽下測試,很多孩子的冰塊在五分鐘後,都還沒溶掉,作的很成功!
In science class today, we made our own thermal bottle. By using light reflective material, kids layered their plastic bottle. They also created their own design. Then, we tested the bottles under hot sun by putting ice inside and see if the ice would melt after 5 minutes. Most of the kids had great results!
Come and check out the photos on Facebook!
創意科學課程開課啦!下一課是12月19日星期四早上8:00-10:30. 歡迎自學的小學生跟我們一起來玩科學喔!
主題:認識飛機飛行原理與飛機設計的科學 & 自己動手做好玩的大氣層高空偵察機創意科學模型/Introduction to the Design Science of Airplanes & DIY Model Reconnaissance Aircrafts)
費用: 360NT