
Drupal Camp Taipei 2016

Submitted by Jenny on

今年的Drupal Camp Taipei 將在11/13/2016舉行,本次主題是Rebirth,相信系統轉移是很多人的痛,在各個系統間、不同的架構中,要把其他不同的系統轉移至Drupal是一件非常大的工程,這其中不乏有資料欄位型態等等的問題,如果你曾經跨過這些種種的困難,歡迎你投稿本次議程一起分享給其他正在水深火熱了朋友們



Submitted by Jenny on

DrupalCamp, DrupalCamp Taipei, DrupalCamp Taipei 2011立刻報名: http://registrano.com/events/drupalcamp-2011

每年一次的DrupalCamp Taipei,今年議程包羅萬象,諸如:
1. 結合趨勢的網際網路主題演講(Keynote為旅居台灣Drupal重要開發者John所主持)
2. 直上雲端的Mobile應用
3. 中大型企業內部整合平台應用案例
4. 社群網站Facebook整合
5. 還有BOF、現場教學、神祕抽獎、夜晚Party、社群討論.... 數不盡的好料!


Dries Buytaert is set to show in DrupalCamp Taipei 2011! Dries Buytaert 將以視訊的方式在DrupalCamp Taipei 2011與大家見面!

Submitted by Jenny on

Dries Buytaert (the founder of Drupal) will appear in a video talking to all of the Drupallers in Taiwan this year at the DrupalCamp Taipei! This is just an exciting news for all of us who use Drupal! To see more information on the DrupalCamp Taipei, visit DrupalCamp Taiwan. To register for the camp, visit Registrano DrupalCamp Taiwan page.

DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 - Regular RegistrationBeings! DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 正式報名開始

Submitted by Jenny on

DrupalCamp, DrupalCamp Taipei, DrupalCamp Taipei 2011For DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 information in English, please go to http://camp.drupaltaiwa.org and switch the language selection to English!

DrupalCamp台北將在 7/9, 7/10於台北的中國科技大學舉辦(近捷運萬芳醫院站),將會有300人一起參與這場盛會!

Keynote speaker:

DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 - Early Bird Registration Ends Soon! DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 早鳥報名倒數計時當中!

Submitted by Jenny on

DrupalCamp, DrupalCamp Taipei, DrupalCamp Taipei 2011For DrupalCamp Taipei 2011 information in English, please go to http://camp.drupaltaiwa.org and switch the language selection to English!

DrupalCamp台北將在 7/9, 7/10於台北的中國科技大學舉辦(近捷運萬芳醫院站),將會有300人一起參與這場盛會!
