Language Plus Living Space

20150714 science class - 探索溫度與熱的科學&動手設計製作「保溫瓶」與「環保隔熱房屋」創意科學實驗作品

Submitted by Jenny on

這星期我們做了自己的保溫瓶! 用各種不同的材料來將瓶子包裝起來,然後,在大太陽下測試,很多孩子的冰塊在五分鐘後,都還沒溶掉,作的很成功!

In science class today, we made our own thermal bottle. By using light reflective material, kids layered their plastic bottle. They also created their own design. Then, we tested the bottles under hot sun by putting ice inside and see if the ice would melt after 5 minutes. Most of the kids had great results!

Come and check out the photos on Facebook!

English consulting work 英文顧問服務

Submitted by Jenny on

English consulting work 英文顧問服務大家其實都知道我們跟孩子們很玩得來,可是,我們正經起來也是可以一版一眼的喔!幫忙做英文文宣,行銷文案的撰寫,修改,準備,也是專業級的服務喔! 我們可以幫你翻譯,校稿,作PPT,練習演講,及其他商務,平日上的英文需要,我們都有專業的行銷經驗、教學、及實際工作的經驗喔


Submitted by Jenny on


如果,爸爸媽媽會說英文,在家時,多多在孩子面前說英文,由自己做榜樣 給孩子們看





Submitted by Jenny on

此外,還有星期三6:30-8:00 (數學班) , 星期六9:30-11:30 (作文班) 喔!


語言家元宵節-猜燈謎活動! Have Fun with Lantern Festival Riddles with Language Plus Living Space

Submitted by Jenny on


Read more with your children

Submitted by Jenny on

Ella picking out a book at 語言家 Language Plus Living SpaceLately, I heard the news on TV/radio regarding how SpongeBob show has ruined children's brains. I for one think that it is not SpongeBob's fault. I have seen the cartoon (though I am not a die-heart fan) a few times and I actually enjoyed it! I find him to be a loyal person. He tries his best to protect his boss's restaurant and the secret recipe. I also think he is very caring. He constantly looks after his friend, Patrick, and his little pet. He has demonstrated great friendship towards to Sandy. I think there is a lot to be learned from SpongeBob.

So, why is SpongeBob bad for your children? Maybe we should look at it another way, it's not SpongeBob is bad, it's more related to TV watching. Watching too much TV is bad. The rapid frame display on TV does slow down your brain. That's the problem. It's not SpongeBob is the problem.

語言家 Language Plus Living Space

Submitted by Jenny on

語言家 - Language Plus Living SpaceLanguage Plus Living Space is finally officially opened for business and students! Even though it is never easy to start a business, I get reassured everyday when I see the smiles and the satisfaction on our students' faces when they come here. I am so grateful and happy that I have so many people helping me...