
American Brand - Cherokee

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen and Ella modeling for American clothing brand - CherokeeThis time, Owen and Ella got to model for a little piece of America! The household known clothing brand Cherokee that you see in Target all the time, is in Taiwan. Here is the website:

Owen - http://www.fashioncookie.com.tw/products/cherokee/boys/tops
Ella - http://www.fashioncookie.com.tw/products/cherokee/girls/tops


Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen在美樂。加油/愛上查美樂裡飾演小以列美樂。加油, 愛上查美樂 aired its first episode last Sunday! We saw 若儀 who played the role of 小美樂. She was awesome! She definitely knows how to act and clearly she enjoys acting. She is a great little girl. As for Owen, he will show up in the second episode. That means he will be on the show this Sunday (June 12th) at 10:00 pm. I am so excited to watch. It was such an honor for Owen to act with 王月. She is an excellent actress and I think many people have a lot to learn from her.

So, Sunday at 10:00pm, on CTV. See you there! :-)


Owen in Jay Chou's Mv - Owen在周杰倫的"天地一鬥"裡飾演打籃球的小男生

Submitted by Jenny on

小童星Owen與周杰倫(Jay Chou)拍攝的天地一鬥MV(music video)Wow - the 天地一鬥 music video is out! Owen had the opportunity to work with Jay Chou! Even though this is a music video and Owen didn't need to say a word but he had to act. I think he did fantastic! Well, that could just be the "mom" in me talking. :-)

If you want to see the photos, here they are.

Owen and Ella's 2011 Chinese New Year

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen and Ella at Taipei Sogo Department StoreMany people asked me what Owen and Ella did during the Chinese New Year. They pretty much did what every kid would do, eat, sleep, play, and eat some more. A long 10 day vacation (including two weekends) must have added some weight on them! They are kids, so, they can afford to have a few more kilos. Grandma also came from Illinois to visit.


Submitted by Jenny on



Owen + Ella 在綜藝大國民的演出 - 20101030

Submitted by Jenny on

Owen + Ella的綜藝大國民在30日播出了。Owen和Ella錄影時玩得非常愉快。在現場,有一些女生追著Owen跑,好好笑。 :-)

要看照片的在這裡。 :-)