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English Consultant - 英文顧問

Submitted by Jenny on

現在,終於要向自己的目標往前跨一步。自己想接一些跟英文有關的事情來做。不是自己吹牛的,很多教過的學生都說我教得很好。也有多說我英文文筆筆很多美國人還要好。 現在想一想,身為一位英文顧問,應該要提供以下的英文服務:

      英文顧問: 提供各式英文服務,當英文司儀,撰寫英文契約,辦國際英文活動,準備英文簡報。
      英文翻譯: 中翻英,或英翻中,口譯與筆譯都可以。
      英文校稿: 很多人已經有英文稿,或是以前的稿,需要更新的,我都可以幫忙。
      英文教材: 身為英文教師的我,常常需要編輯英文教材,從小朋友ABC與自然發音,到英文文法書與成人英文教材,這些都是我的服務範圍裡。
      英文講師: 家教到公司行號,我都可以勝任。教過一人家教到百餘人的上課方式,擔任英文講師,這是我最喜歡的一份工作。
      英文家教: 為你量身打造的個人英文學習教材。一人至多人都可以。


如果您有這方面的需要,歡迎和我聯絡喔! jenny@albin.net

Care for or Care about: 照顧與關心

Submitted by Jenny on

Care for和care about是英文中的phrasal verb. 意思是說,是用曩個字組的的動詞。那這兩個phrasal verb是什麼意思呢?我們先解釋care是什麼。care是小心,謹慎的意思。 "Please be careful." 請小心。 "You need to carefully remove the hot teapot." 你要小心的搬離那熱茶壺。

那care for呢?是指照顧。care about是指關心。
I care for you. 我照顧你。
I care about you. 我關心你。


前一陣子在捷運上看到,"MRT cares for you." 捷運照顧你。在中文尚可能講的通,但是,英文上,是不行的。 這句話應該是,MRT cares about you.

regardless and irregardless

Submitted by Jenny on

I hear people say "Irregardless of the rain, I went to the market anyway" or "Irregardless of the cost, I bought the car anyway." And I always want to ask them, what does "irregardless" mean? If you look up this word in dictionary, it actually doesn't exist. The correct usage above should be "Regardless of the rain, I went to the market anyway" or "Regardless of the cost, I bought the car anyway."

Thaw or unthaw, that is the question!

Submitted by Jenny on

What is the meaning of the word "thaw?" By definition, it is the action for something to defrost. So, what does "unthaw" mean? Yes, you guessed it, "unthaw" means to de-defrost. In another words, you are reversing the thawing action. So, can you unthaw a frozen chicken? Unless you just want it stay frozen, you can't really unthaw a frozen chicken.

什麼是"thaw"含義? 它是解凍的意思。 所以,什麼是"unthaw"? 是的你猜對了,"unthaw"是指 不解凍, de-defrost。 換句話說, 你在進行反轉解凍的動作。 因此,您可以 unthaw 一隻凍的雞嗎? 除非您只是希望它保持凍結,你不太能真正 unthaw 一隻凍的雞。

Kids Learning Environment 小孩的學習環境

Submitted by Jenny on

What kind of environment do you think you would learn better? A stressful environment or a happy environment? A teacher who is breathing down your neck and yell at you or a teacher who is encouraging and help you out when you make mistakes?

Let's turn back time, thinking back when you were a kid, what kind of environment do you think you would like then? With the same criteria listed above, does your answer change?