Ella與阿寶的可愛PK 大賽 - 鑽石夜總會Part 1
Ella與阿寶的可愛PK 大賽 - 鑽石夜總會Part 2

The show, Diamond Club, had aired last night. We weren't notified so I didn't get to watch it. I got a call around 9:45 pm from a student of mine telling me that she was watching Ella on the TV. I thought it was a repeat of another show, but she said it is a new one. Once I turned on the TV and got to the right channel, I only got to see the last 2 minutes of it.
The show was about 2 little 4-year old girls who were competing to see whose got the best acting skills and who is the cutest. The other girl, Y-Bao, she's been performing since a baby. As for Ella, she only started last year. There were two parts of the show. First part, they got a cup of drink, one is coke and the other is lemon juice and the two girls had to drink the drink and pretended that whatever they got was the sweet one. I think both Y-Bao and Ella did great but you could still tell what they actually drank (they are only 4, after all). The second part of the show is their performance. Ella did the "Red Lantern" dance which I thought she did beautifully.
Even though she didn't win the competition, she did so well and she tried to do her best! She cried for almost 45 minutes because she lost. I truly think that she shouldn't look at this as a failure. She is just not as experienced as Y-Bao. She should be happy that she got the opportunity to do this and everyone is so proud of her!!
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