
Good use of a comma

Submitted by Jenny on

It's hunting season in some parts of the world. Recently, there is a poster that says "It's that time again - go out and shoot people! :)" - this got me to think. This sentence is to tell you to go out and shoot people. So, people, watch out, there will be people just go out and start shooting on the street!

How would this be fixed? A comma would have fixed the problem. It would be "It's that time again - go out and shoot, people! :)". This would make so much more sense.

English Consultant - 英文顧問

Submitted by Jenny on

現在,終於要向自己的目標往前跨一步。自己想接一些跟英文有關的事情來做。不是自己吹牛的,很多教過的學生都說我教得很好。也有多說我英文文筆筆很多美國人還要好。 現在想一想,身為一位英文顧問,應該要提供以下的英文服務:

      英文顧問: 提供各式英文服務,當英文司儀,撰寫英文契約,辦國際英文活動,準備英文簡報。
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      英文講師: 家教到公司行號,我都可以勝任。教過一人家教到百餘人的上課方式,擔任英文講師,這是我最喜歡的一份工作。
      英文家教: 為你量身打造的個人英文學習教材。一人至多人都可以。


如果您有這方面的需要,歡迎和我聯絡喔! jenny@albin.net