
語言家 Language Plus Living Space

Submitted by Jenny on

語言家 - Language Plus Living SpaceLanguage Plus Living Space is finally officially opened for business and students! Even though it is never easy to start a business, I get reassured everyday when I see the smiles and the satisfaction on our students' faces when they come here. I am so grateful and happy that I have so many people helping me...

免費4~6歲寶貝英文故事時間 Free English Story Time for 4 to 6 years old

Submitted by Jenny on

日期:8月13日 (六) 上午10:00點 (雙語故事時間)
8月14日 (日) 上午10:00點 (全英語故事時間)
☆ 當天並會準備新鮮現打果汁和現烤小西點與您一同分享喔!
電話:(02) 2794-5848 Email: languageplus@albin.net

Dear parents,

Explosion Pork!

Submitted by Jenny on

The other day, we went out to dinner. The waitress handed us a copy of the menu and we couldn't help to frown. I think people would have a lot issues with eating "explosion pork" and "spray of green onions."

What they really meant was stir fry pork with green onion. I guess someone didn't check the translation before it was printed!

One space or two spaces after the period?

Submitted by Jenny on

What do you use? Do you use one space or two spaces after the period? When I was in school, the teacher couldn't stress enough that we had to use two space after the period when you finish writing a sentence and start to begin another. Now, I just read this article that completely toppled that which completely shocks me.

Read it for yourself:
Space Invaders

Spell Checker

Submitted by Jenny on

Can you tell what this poem is really about?

Spelling checker
Eye Halve a Spelling Chequer

Eye halve a spelling chequer
It came with my pea sea
It plainly marques four my revue
Miss steaks eye kin knot sea.

Eye strike a key and type a word
And weight four it two say
Weather eye am wrong oar write
It shows me strait a weigh.

As soon as a mist ache is maid
It nose bee fore two long
And eye can put the error rite
Its rarely ever wrong.

American Idioims - 美國片語 - In a Nick of Time

Submitted by Jenny on

In a Nick of Time: Just in time 及時

You finished your paper in a nick of time! 你及時把論文作完!
Sarah got to to the conference in just a nick of time! Sarah及時到了會議現場。

Happy Punctuation Day!

Submitted by Jenny on

Reposted from NPR (The original document is at http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=130103176&sc=fb&cc=fp):

Its National Punctuation Day! If that sentence made you cringe, then welcome to the fold. Its, it's. Your, you're. Why can't people get it right?

On Friday, Sept. 24, punctuation aficionados across the country celebrated the seventh annual National Punctuation Day. Last year's celebration featured a baking contest (here's the recipe for "Punctuation Meatloaf"), and this year, organizers kicked off a punctuation-inspired haiku challenge:

Em dash or en dash.