

Submitted by Jenny on


六月25號前報名, 五人同行, 一人免費!

我可隨學生的要求及喜好,調整授課內容!! 目前的學生包括: 大企業高級主管, 生意老闆, 學齡(前)小孩, 及知名藝人。

地點:以內湖附近為主, 或找地方上課
連絡方式:可email 或電0935-577-035

Good use of a comma

Submitted by Jenny on

It's hunting season in some parts of the world. Recently, there is a poster that says "It's that time again - go out and shoot people! :)" - this got me to think. This sentence is to tell you to go out and shoot people. So, people, watch out, there will be people just go out and start shooting on the street!

How would this be fixed? A comma would have fixed the problem. It would be "It's that time again - go out and shoot, people! :)". This would make so much more sense.

Lay, lie.. Aren't they the same?

Submitted by Jenny on

So when do you use lay and when do you use lie? The difference is the following:
The verb "lay": lay-present, laid-past, laid-past participle
It must come before an object since it is a transitive verb.
For example:
Future: I will lay the book on the table.
Past: I laid the book on the table.
Present Perfect: I have laid the book on the table.

The verb "lie": lie-present, lay-past, lain- past participle
Since it is an intransitive verb, it does not need to come before an object.
Future: I will lie on the grass.
Present: I lay on the grass to rest a little bit.


Submitted by Jenny on

英文字dash可以有好多個意思, 例:
1. I have to dash.
2. He looks dashing.
3. Please use a dash between two nouns to when you want to make it an adjective.

1. I need to go right now. I need to go in a hurry. 我現在急著離開。
2. He looks handsome. 他看起來很英俊(英式英文)。
3. 指的是"-",例: ex-girlfriend, one-day event, twenty-fourth day等。


Submitted by Jenny on

Caller: 'Can you give me the telephone number for Jack?'

Operator: 'I'm sorry, sir, I don't understand who you are talking about.'

Caller: 'On page 1, section 5, of the user guide it clearly states that I need to unplug the fax ma...chine from the AC wall socket and telephone Jack before cleaning. Now, can you give me the number for Jack?'

Operator: 'I think it means the telephone plug on the wall.'

形容詞的順序 - adjective order

Submitted by Jenny on


      Opinion(意見): easy, difficult, lousy, beautiful, ugly...
      Size(大小): big, small, large, little...
      Age(年紀,新舊): old, new, ancient
      Shape(形狀): round, square, rectangle, skinny shaped...
      Color(顏色): purple, red, blue...
      Origin(起始點): American, Greek, Brazilian...
      Material(物質): Woolen, wooden, cotton, metal...
      Purpose(用途): tasting, sleeping, shouting, fighting...

That art teacher is wearing a beautiful, petite, new, round, purple, American, cotton, and painting apron.

Impossible is Nothing

Submitted by Jenny on

前一陣子,在台北常看到"Impossible is nothing."想了很久,想不出是圴麼意思。後來終於搞清楚了! 原來,要表達的是"Nothing is Impossible!"想一想,這真的差好多。先從本來的那句話來看:"Impossible is nothing." Impossible是不可能的意思且為形容詞。照英文文法上說,不應該放在第一個位子。第二,照句子的意思上來說,nothing事沒有東西或事的意思。這句話翻成"不可能的是沒有的事."想一想,不可能的當然是沒有的事的事啊!應為做不到啊!寫這句子的人真的是要表達這意思嗎?想想,應該說是要表達"Nothing is impossible"才對!!"沒有做不到的事"

Desert and dessert

Submitted by Jenny on

Desert and dessert, what is the difference? Well, I don't know what you like, but personally, I like dessert more than desert. Why do I say that? Desert is the place that is often very hot and is filled with cactus and animals that I don't care for much. As for dessert, that I like very much. The taste of sweet cheesecake, melt-in-your-mouth bittersweet chocolate, and fluffy cupcakes. Hmmm... it makes my mouth water just by typing them. See the difference? Dessert is something you can eat and most likely enjoy it while you eat it. Desert is part of Nature.

Stay tuned 留在這一台...

Submitted by Jenny on

stay tuned是什麼意思? 我們先來看看它的由來。 當我們在看電視時,會有廣告,有時,電視的頻道就會說: "請不要轉台喔!" 在英文裡,stay tuned的意思是留在這一台的意思。
