English grammar

Lay, lie.. Aren't they the same?

Submitted by Jenny on

So when do you use lay and when do you use lie? The difference is the following:
The verb "lay": lay-present, laid-past, laid-past participle
It must come before an object since it is a transitive verb.
For example:
Future: I will lay the book on the table.
Past: I laid the book on the table.
Present Perfect: I have laid the book on the table.

The verb "lie": lie-present, lay-past, lain- past participle
Since it is an intransitive verb, it does not need to come before an object.
Future: I will lie on the grass.
Present: I lay on the grass to rest a little bit.

regardless and irregardless

Submitted by Jenny on

I hear people say "Irregardless of the rain, I went to the market anyway" or "Irregardless of the cost, I bought the car anyway." And I always want to ask them, what does "irregardless" mean? If you look up this word in dictionary, it actually doesn't exist. The correct usage above should be "Regardless of the rain, I went to the market anyway" or "Regardless of the cost, I bought the car anyway."

Thaw or unthaw, that is the question!

Submitted by Jenny on

What is the meaning of the word "thaw?" By definition, it is the action for something to defrost. So, what does "unthaw" mean? Yes, you guessed it, "unthaw" means to de-defrost. In another words, you are reversing the thawing action. So, can you unthaw a frozen chicken? Unless you just want it stay frozen, you can't really unthaw a frozen chicken.

什麼是"thaw"含義? 它是解凍的意思。 所以,什麼是"unthaw"? 是的你猜對了,"unthaw"是指 不解凍, de-defrost。 換句話說, 你在進行反轉解凍的動作。 因此,您可以 unthaw 一隻凍的雞嗎? 除非您只是希望它保持凍結,你不太能真正 unthaw 一隻凍的雞。

Common English Grammar Mistakes - 常見的錯誤英文文法

Submitted by Jenny on

常見的錯誤英文文法,甚至是當英文為母語的人有時也會搞錯。 以下是其中一些。

  1. 你會將逗號 "," 放在 ”and” 的前面嗎? 例如"We took out our books and pencils, and began to study." 這是不應在 “and” 的前面加 “,”。"We took out our books and pencils and began to study.”
  2. 對或錯? : "The choir walked up the stage, then they sang." 是的,這句話是正確的。 在這種情況下, 使用單詞 "then" 去描述在另一個事件後發生另一個事件,是正確的。執行比較時,您需要使用這個詞"than"。 例如: "Mary is taller than John."。
  3. 你說 "She can play piano easier than you can"或or "She can play piano more easily than you can?"答案是第二句, "She can play piano more easily than you can."。因此,"walk quickly" 而不是 "walk quicker."。