Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology

上大學的感觸 After almost a year in college

Submitted by Jenny on
曾經是個自學生的我 上大學真的是一個很大的轉變 每堂課有固定的時間 有功課要照老師指導的時間繳交 不能到校時 要看情況請公假、事假或病假 這跟我以前的學習方式跟習慣 真的是一個180度的大改變 雖然大一已經快過完了 我覺得我有時還在適應當中 (好啦好啦,我的動作很慢) 雖然我儘全力把該做的功課跟事情都完成 有時候還是會覺得力不從心 (還在努力調整訓練、上學,及美國那邊大學的學業) 好險我的學校對我相當的諒解跟支持 知道我會為了比賽常請假 也知道有時需要早退 (辛苦系主任、系辦跟所有教到我的老師們了,一定覺得我很難搞😆😆😆) 學校雖然小 但是對我來說 不但該有的器材都有 而且老師們都有一定的職場上的專業 像我這種喜歡學中做的人 再適合我不過了 (雖然有時候也會不想上課或是擺爛,但大部分的時候是開心的上學啦😁) 附上一張我在學校利用藍染的碎布,改造一件T-shirt 的照片 Transitioning from homeschooling to university life has been a wild ride! Going from flexible schedules to fixed class times and homework deadlines has been a huge adjustment. Even though my freshman year is almost over, I still feel like I'm adapting at my own pace. Balancing my studies, skating training, and other commitments can be super overwhelming at times, but I'm really thankful for how understanding and supportive my university has been. They totally get that I need to take leave for competitions or leave early sometimes, and they've been really cool about it. My school might be small, but it has everything I need, and the teachers are amazing professionals. Learning by doing has always been my thing, and this place is perfect for that. Here's a pic of a T-shirt I transformed using scraps of indigo-dyed fabric at school. Can't wait to see what other experiences and challenges come my way! 📚✂️