Drupal 8 Theming 研討會 Workshop
在今年(2016年)五月20日及27日,經台北市教育局的邀請,John和我有機會跟台北市的國中小資訊老師們共聚一堂,與大家討論Drupal 8 theming. 大家相當踴躍發言、問問題、討論!兩天下來,大家都收穫滿滿!
在今年(2016年)五月20日及27日,經台北市教育局的邀請,John和我有機會跟台北市的國中小資訊老師們共聚一堂,與大家討論Drupal 8 theming. 大家相當踴躍發言、問問題、討論!兩天下來,大家都收穫滿滿!
John Wilkins (AKA JohnAlbin) has given a few talks at the DrupalCon New Orleans 2016. He did a BoF on Zen theme in Drupal 8, he also gave a detailed talk on front-end development. If you have missed it, here is the link:
Front-end workshop - Style Guide Centric Development and Task Runners
第三堂前端開發工作坊要在05/06晚上7:00開課了(有其他需要的時間,請跟jenny@albin.net聯絡),這也是這一系列的最後一堂課,大家把握機會,有問題的(跟Zen theme 有關,跟前端開發有關,etc。),都可以帶來問。
第二堂前端開發課程在04/08落幕,我們對Twig及Drupal 8 theming開發有深層的討論。
JohnAlbin前端開發工作坊第二堂課: Theming with Drupal 8's TWIG即將開課,地點還沒決定。
報名04/08者,請至https://goo.gl/gR7DDw 踴躍報名,謝謝大家的支持。
Drupal Frontend Development Workshop (Drupal前端開發工作坊): 第一堂課: CSS Component design - BEM naming convention (03/18)問卷調查:
請到:https://goo.gl/L8FJEd填寫, please fill out this survey.
謝謝! Thank you!
第一堂課會是CSS Component design - BEM naming convention 將於03/18舉行
第二堂課會是 Drupal 8 將於04/08或04/09舉行
- Twig templates
- Debugging
- Theme registry
- Theme hook suggestions
Style Guide Centric Development
Task Runners
- Gulp or Grunt
- scss-lint for Sass linting
- eslint for JS linting
- npm-shrinkwrap and git for version control
Drupal Frontend Development Workshop (Drupal前端開發工作坊):第一堂課: CSS Component design - BEM naming convention將在03/18舉辦,有興趣者,請到https://goo.gl/IWgYza 完成報名手續。將由資深Drupal前端開發工程師開講,John Wilkins (Drupal ID: JohnAlbin),有10年經驗的John,在各大DrupalCamp及DrupalCon都有演講過,這次,他想要把他的經驗用工作坊的方式分享給大家,採用小班制,會更精準,更細節化。 Drupal Front-end Development Worshop: CSS Component Design - BEM naming convention will be held on 03/18 from 19:00 - 22:00. Our speaker, John Wilkins (Drupal ID: JohnAlbin), is an experienced Drupal developer. He has been working with Drupal for over 10 years now. He has been given talks at numerous DurpalCons and DrupalCamps everywhere. Since he lives in Taiwan, he would like to spread his knowledge further and decided to hold a series of workshops. This workshop will be the first one of a series of 4. If interested, please fill out the registration form at https://goo.gl/IWgYza.