
這裡記載了吳若瑄Ella的點點滴滴,歡迎大家來逛逛。如果有演藝工作需求,請直接與經紀人聯絡喔! 電話是0987447260
Welcome to Ella's blog! Mommy has recorded things related to Ella including her work in commercials, modeling, and shows. If you would like to invite Ella for a gig, please contact her agent directly. Her phone number is +886-987447260 Thank you.

吳若瑄Ella-大魯閣186滑輪溜冰場 廣告-Taroko 186 Roller Rink commercial

Submitted by Jenny on
Video file

大滑輪溜冰場的廣告出來囉!還不快點帶著你的溜冰鞋,(沒有鞋也可以現場租哦)一起跟我去溜冰!😁 The commercial for the roller rink is out! Bring your skates,(If you don’t