Seeking doctoral dissertation participant/尋找論文訪談對象

Submitted by Jenny on

我是美國東北大學教育學系博士班學生。 我正在尋求適合參加我博士論文研究的學生。

這項質性研究是關於自學高中生升學的經歷。這項研究的結果將用於完成我的博士學位論文,幫助立法者更好地了解家庭學生對高等教育的需求,並幫助將來參加實驗教育的家庭為上大學做好更好的準備。需要尋求的學生是(1)參加者必須是曾經是在家自學高中生及現在為全職大學生或二年級學生;(2)必須在在台灣之立案大學就讀包括外圍島嶼(金門和澎湖)。每位參與者將進行兩次採訪,每次會話的時間為45至60分鐘。 會議將使用在線會議工具在線進行,完全是自願參加。

如果你是位曾經是高中自學生的大一或大二生且有興趣參與我的論文研究,請直接跟我 聯絡,您可以通過wilkins.j@northeastern.edu私訊訊與我聯繫,謝謝!

I am Jenny Wilkins, an EdD student at Northeastern University in the United States. I am writing to ask for your help in soliciting student participation in my dissertation study.

This qualitative inquiry study is about homeschooled high school students’ experience with transitioning to college. Results of this study will be used to finish my Doctor of Education dissertation, help legislators better understand homeschoolers’ need for higher education, and help future families that participate in experimental education be better prepared for college. The criteria for student participants are: (1) they must be a full-time, 1st-year (enrolled full time for at least 6 months) or 2nd-year student attending a Taiwanese college who had been homeschooled during high school; and (2) they must be enrolled in a Taiwanese university, including the outer islands (Kingman and PungHu islands). There will be two interviews with each participant, each session lasting from 45–60 minutes. The meetings will be conducted utilizing online meeting tools. The schedule can be set based on the student’s convenience.

Please forward potential participants’ names, phone numbers, emails, or other contact method to me and I will contact them directly to give them further details. You can reach me at by email. Thank you!