台灣歌薇Goldwell2010國際魔髮發表秀 - Ella飾演小艾莉絲

Submitted by Jenny on

Ella還沒睡醒,就要畫妝了 - Ella is not awake yet, and it's already makeup time台灣歌薇Goldwell2010國際魔髮發表秀昨天(08/24/2010)圓滿結束了。Ella好喜歡他的小艾莉絲的造型,更愛上了走秀。魔髮秀結束時,她已經玩得好開心,一直找藉口要多留下來一些。我一直在後台,沒法拍到她出場的照片,如果看到這篇blog的參會朋友們,請與我分享你們手上有的Ella照片,好嗎?先謝謝啦!

早上,Ella睡到要上車的前一刻,到了會場時,Ella還沒全醒,就要畫妝了。她身上還穿著睡衣(恐龍睡衣是Owen給他的),裙子是她還在床上睡的時候我在幫她穿的 - Ella slept up to the moment that she was about to get in the car. She was still wearing pajamas and her skirt was put on by me when she was still in bed. She is not completely awake in this photo and it was already time for her makeup.

Hair is not done yet but it is rehearsal time - Ella頭髮還沒弄號就要彩排了 哎呀!頭髮還沒弄好就要彩排了!

Ella is using the curling iron rolls as her blocks - Ella用髮捲當積木 Her hair took over 2 hours to get done. She got so bored that she started using the curling iron rolls as her blocks. - Ella用髮捲當積木。通常, Ella在弄頭髮和化妝的時候是不會笑的,可是,這次Ella的頭髮弄了兩個多鐘頭。Ella開始無聊了,拿髮捲當積木來玩。她正再蓋一間房子給小豬。

Ella taking a photo with daddy - Ella和爸爸照相When she was done with hair, everyone was taking photos of her, and she really wanted a photo with daddy. Ella造型做好時,大家都要幫Ella拍照,但她最想要和daddy拍一張. :-)

Ella helping piglet practicing with the crystal ball - Ella幫小豬練習Ella有一場表演視需要用一個水晶球,她覺得小豬也要練習。 Ella had to perform two scenes in the show. one of the scenes is that she needs to use a crystal ball to "wake up" a statue. So, during her break, she was practicing and she decided that Piglet should know how to do it too.

Ella活動結束了,可以玩我的盪鞦韆了 - Event is over, Ella can play with the swing now!活動結束了,Ella不想回家了,她一直找藉口留下來玩,Vivi阿姨帶她去盪鞦韆。When the event was over, Ella was looking for all kinds of reasons to stay. So, she went to play with the swing for a while. :-)


Ella用水晶球喚醒了雕像 - 台灣歌薇Goldwell2010國際魔髮發表秀


Ella Goldwell 2010 國際魔髮發表秀

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