
語言家Language Plus Summer Program

Submitted by Jenny on

In July, we will read stories to let our imagination soar

In July, we will learn how to cook to train us to be more independent

In July, we will have game days, work on arts and crafts, and play, so we will have a fun summer

PS, we will do all of this in English.... ^^
PS, 我們將用全英文來做些事。。。^^

語言家元宵節-猜燈謎活動! Have Fun with Lantern Festival Riddles with Language Plus Living Space

Submitted by Jenny on


誠徵英文輔導員English consultant wanted

Submitted by Jenny on

Job Description:

1. English teaching: A) Assist kids in different ages with their school homework; B) Teach phonics classes; C) Utilize resources and work with kids to improve their reading comprehension and English ability. D) Assist to create monthly activity schedule

2. Administration: Administration tasks include paper work, running errands, class material preparation, general office management and cleaning.

3. Communication: Communicating with the parents and students on their children’s progress and work needs to be done at home.

Read more with your children

Submitted by Jenny on

Ella picking out a book at 語言家 Language Plus Living SpaceLately, I heard the news on TV/radio regarding how SpongeBob show has ruined children's brains. I for one think that it is not SpongeBob's fault. I have seen the cartoon (though I am not a die-heart fan) a few times and I actually enjoyed it! I find him to be a loyal person. He tries his best to protect his boss's restaurant and the secret recipe. I also think he is very caring. He constantly looks after his friend, Patrick, and his little pet. He has demonstrated great friendship towards to Sandy. I think there is a lot to be learned from SpongeBob.

So, why is SpongeBob bad for your children? Maybe we should look at it another way, it's not SpongeBob is bad, it's more related to TV watching. Watching too much TV is bad. The rapid frame display on TV does slow down your brain. That's the problem. It's not SpongeBob is the problem.

語言家 Language Plus Living Space

Submitted by Jenny on

語言家 - Language Plus Living SpaceLanguage Plus Living Space is finally officially opened for business and students! Even though it is never easy to start a business, I get reassured everyday when I see the smiles and the satisfaction on our students' faces when they come here. I am so grateful and happy that I have so many people helping me...