- Opinion(意見): easy, difficult, lousy, beautiful, ugly...
- Size(大小): big, small, large, little...
- Age(年紀,新舊): old, new, ancient
- Shape(形狀): round, square, rectangle, skinny shaped...
- Color(顏色): purple, red, blue...
- Origin(起始點): American, Greek, Brazilian...
- Material(物質): Woolen, wooden, cotton, metal...
- Purpose(用途): tasting, sleeping, shouting, fighting...
That art teacher is wearing a beautiful, petite, new, round, purple, American, cotton, and painting apron.
那美術老師正穿著一件漂亮的,小的, 新的,圓的,紫色的,美國的,棉的,畫畫用的圍裙。
Sue is a beautiful and tall model.
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