Owen Wilkins officially signed the artist management contract with Joe's Music International-吳文瑄正式加入「就是音樂」旗下

Submitted by Jenny on

就是音樂國際有限公司/Joe’s Music International Co., Ltd.
簽約藝人『Owen 吳文瑄』公告聲明/Owen Wilkins Artist Management Announcement

(一) 就是音樂Joe’s Music 于 2015/8/7日起, 正式與「Owen 吳文瑄」簽約, 成為公司旗下藝人, 展開演藝經紀之事業合作。並特此公告。Joe's Music International will be Owen Wilkins's sole artist management company starting August 7th, 2015.

(二) 日後相關 Owen吳文瑄 之演藝工作, 請與“就是音樂”
聯繫, 方式如下:

For all potential work, please contact Meimei at Joe's Music.

就是音樂 Joe’s Music
電話/Phone: +886-2-87918591
地址/Address : 台北市內湖區新湖二路219號4樓/4F, No. 219, Xihu 2nd Rd, Neihu District, Taipei, Taiwan 114
官網/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JoesMusicInternational

責任窗口/Point of Contact:
經紀總監/Artist Agent:楊麗穎(Mei-Mei)
WeChat ID:yangmeimei5157

Owen officially signed the artist management contract with Joe's Music International-吳文瑄正式加入「就是音樂」旗下Owen has officially signed a full Artist Management contract with Joe's Music International. When the news spread, I have received a lot of messages congratulating Owen. In my mind, I think this is just a beginning of a new chapter. There is still a lot of work to be done.

For people who know Owen, he is a kid who has his ideas and what he wants to do. There are certain things that attract him and once he finds out, he sets his mind to it. For example, he loves hands on work. So, he constantly works on computer programming with Robotics and loves to create animation and enjoys mechanical design. He feels the same way about the stage.

The stage has a huge attraction to him. He loves to be in front of people and perform even though he claims he gets butterflies in his stomach still. He enjoys practicing a dance, a song, or guitar and perform it. Since he was little, he had dabbled in modeling, acting, and performing here and there for a while and his two serious large performance gigs were Super Idol 2 in Taiwan and the Master Class in Beijing, China. In these two shows, Owen experienced what it means to choreograph, practice day in day out, and only perform a few minutes on stage. He got a taste of what it means to be a performer and he truly enjoys the adrenaline.

There are many people he needs to thank for helping him to get to this far. All of the crew at the Master Class (I listed them below in the Chinese section) and all of the teachers he's had so far, Aya, A-May, 小強, 牛奶, and Vanessa. All of you have helped him to be better and better. Not just from the perspective of learning, also, you have all helped him grow as a person. You taught him to have a good attitude, to be polite, to know that there are a lot more to learn no matter how good you are. We also need to thank Gary Chaw. After meeting Owen at the Master Class, he unselfishly took Owen under his wings and started to mentor him not only just on the show, even off the show too. Owen is lucky to join his company.

We will remember where we started, where we have been, and where we need to go. Never forget being grateful.


從躍動國際的Boris和鼹鼠 (還有已離開的羅漢),沒有兩位,哥哥妹妹就沒有辦法站上中國夢想秀的舞台,沒有兩位得積極努力,我們也不可能去環球酷奇炫。我們也很清楚的知道,音樂大師課猜剛有雛型時,你們就已經早早的告訴製作單位哥哥是個可能的人選。雖然後來沒有下文,你們為我們所做的一切,我們銘記在心。


當然,如果我一直謝下去,永遠也謝不完,所有教過Owen的老師們,無論只是在節目上、私人的才藝老師、你們都對他有相當多的啟發、影響。最後,感謝發瘋文絕對少不了要提到曹格老師,願意長長久久的指導Owen, 收他當弟子,來找Owen簽約的公司不少,他只願意跟隨老師,往後,要麻煩你了還有公司所有的人多多照顧了。




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